

  Agents of erosion are one of the things that we learn in our geography classes that teach us about the constant wear and tear of the earth’s geographical features over time. Likewise, every society faces certain wear and tear in the components with which it is comprised of. The Indian democracy stands on four pillars known as the  four pillars of democracy . Press/newspaper is the fourth pillar which ensures that people who are living across the country know what is happening in the rest of the country. It is a medium to maintain the ambiguity and lucidity within the working of the remaining three pillars. Over many lifetimes have passed by and just like the rules of erosion, these pillars have eroded and ground down with time. Being the fourth pillar, journalism in India is being subjected to questions by the very citizens of the country. A noticeable change is what is required to revive Indian journalism from its present state. The notion of giving voice to the voiceless stands t

An illustration of the Post-pandemic scenario

"CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT IN LIFE"   -Heraclitus The year 2020 will be an indelible and undying period in the history of mankind. It will be an example for the human race wherein a paradigm shift will have come into existence, completely changing the face of the Earth. We all are not far from the day when: Hugging and shaking hands would become non-existent in the natural world. The ways of greeting and meeting people would be revolutionized. There won't be any pictures of holding hands or public display of love and affection but what will only outlive is the concept of social distancing. Love will be preached only by staying away from one another. Facial masks would become a part of the daily uniform or rather a new age fashion statement, be it for the schools, the workplaces or even the ramp. Your smile would fade away behind the disguise of these N95 masks. The human emotions will be suppressed behind these empty and static veils but only the e

Friendship......I doubt its genuinity

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out”  – Walter Winchell                                                                                                      Before I begin, I would like to say that I personally am a secluded person and I prefer to avoid unwanted companionship, which is perhaps a personal agenda and not a cue to judge me as a person. The word “friendship” has quite a deep meaning to it. It is not just two people sharing a laugh on a silly joke or sharing each other’s stationery in a class. It is more than what meets the eye. It is a concoction of love, trust, joy, belief, dependency and many more such adjectives. It is the amalgamation of two individuals’ thoughts and feelings. Friendship is something that is hard to express in words but actions. An act of kindness can be a testimony of companionship; likewise, an act of assistance can also be an intimation to the same. A true friend is like a wine that gets better and bett

Claustrophobia...Is it that cramped in there?

“Claustrophobia is the very world that one creates and dreads at the same time.” Before writing anything, I would like to mention that I personally am not a claustrophobic until and unless you ask me to spend an hour in a coffin. All my life I have seen people who have been claustrophobic , my father being the closest of the congregation. In a claustrophobic situation people usually endure to be all twitchy and jittery. One tends to break free of all the shackles they are hitched to. A sense of emancipation and amnesty works in the sub- conscious mind of the individual. In my opinion, claustrophobia is a situation that transpires when death itself is lurking nearby. It is a state of being gagged or retched down the throat. It is when Anubis (god of death) intends to pay a visit himself. There are many forms of claustrophobia. A person can be claustrophobic of family gatherings (too many people to greet!!), social responsibilities, educational concerns or relationships