An illustration of the Post-pandemic scenario


The year 2020 will be an indelible and undying period in the history of mankind. It will be an example for the human race wherein a paradigm shift will have come into existence, completely changing the face of the Earth.

We all are not far from the day when:

Hugging and shaking hands would become non-existent in the natural world. The ways of greeting and meeting people would be revolutionized. There won't be any pictures of holding hands or public display of love and affection but what will only outlive is the concept of social distancing. Love will be preached only by staying away from one another.

Facial masks would become a part of the daily uniform or rather a new age fashion statement, be it for the schools, the workplaces or even the ramp. Your smile would fade away behind the disguise of these N95 masks. The human emotions will be suppressed behind these empty and static veils but only the eyes will speak the unsaid stories of life and time. 

Sanitizers and disinfectants will be the new weapons of defense that even the infants will possess.

The cyber-world will boom at great heights with 'Artificial Intelligence' and 'Virtual Reality' being the pillars of the modern-day world as most industries would become dependent on the internet to sustain their profit margins and revive the economy of the state. 

Education systems will be revised and remodeled in order to adapt to the newfound changes. The definitions of classrooms and schools will change. The teacher-student relation will move from a physical bond to a virtual one. The Internet will be the new book with all the lessons compiled in it under one roof.

Travel and tourism will be meager and will be restricted to a few selected places. Maybe from one room of your house to another, you never know.

'Lockdown', 'Quarantine', 'House arrest', 'Isolationism' would become the most searched words in the English dictionary as well as on the internet.

Shops would cease to exist in the dirty markets and crowded bazaars. The new age shopkeeper would be sitting in the comfort of his house, jotting down orders from his online store. The shop that he once owned at the end of the street would now exist in one of the pages of Google. It would be called by decorated names like E-commerce stores and E-markets. Perhaps the usage of the letter 'E' would become an important part of our lives.

I do not know exactly how the world will look like after the pandemic. This is just a vague image of the upcoming future that I have created in my unconscious mind. But whatever it looks like, it will surely be very contrasting to the one in which are now. I also don't know whether this pandemic will come to pass or will it become a part of our everyday lives just like any other thing. Perhaps it is a matter of time until we realize. But one thing that I surely know of, is that this is a big leap for mankind though not sure whether it's forward or backward.


  1. So beautifully penned your emotions.. keep it up Sauhardya


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